Automotive, Portrait Leo Krom Automotive, Portrait Leo Krom

Shane and the Bug

Shane pops up a lot on here because he's one of my best friends. Very recently he got rid of his slammed Miata in exchange for this little Volkswagen Beetle. Since I'm all about capturing memories, I thought that it would be fun to go capture some photos of him with it before it starts to undergo its changes and repairs. I love this location too! It set off the purple car quite nicely and helped to make these photos really pop.

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Automotive Leo Krom Automotive Leo Krom

Jay Pleet and his Fitted 2014 WRX

Jay Pleet has been in the process of getting this car to where he wants it for quite some time, and he came to us to shoot a short video of it for our Bird City series where we film a quick excerpt on a local driver and their car. The resulting video is at the bottom after all of the photos.

I would like to point out that his car is static, and it's also his daily. There's no hard parking this in a garage to keep it pristine while he drives something else around. Yet, every time I've seen this car it has looked mint. The amount of time that Jay puts into the upkeep of this beauty is unimaginable.

This car is truly one of the most important things in his life (after his long-time girlfriend Sarah, of course). I would be willing to bet that you would agree with me that it shows too.

The vibe for this video is a little bit different than normal; however, I am certainly a fan! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Jay Pleet shows you how to ruin a rally car in 1 minute 53 seconds. But really, this car is perfect. Cinematography: Leo Krom Edit: Shane McElroy Instagram: @jaypleet Song: M83 - Wait No copyright intended.

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Automotive Leo Krom Automotive Leo Krom

Easter Drift at Wildhorse Pass


     I was looking forward to this all week. I don't get out to the track as often as I would like, but I had heard that GoFast Entertainment was going to be hosting a strictly drift night at Wildhorse Pass Motorsports Park. Since I've been working on a new reel, I thought that I should get out there to try and capture a little bit of footage.

The only downside was that I didn't have media credentials this time. That meant that I would be on the opposite side of the fence from where all of the action was happening. However, I don't think I've ever been as close to the action as I was that night. The spectator locations were right behind the barriers.

I didn't stay an incredibly long time. I was only filming until the pastel sunset subsided, but it was still a great night.

Here's a little bonus video clip that I shot that night!


Uploaded by Pyrotechnician12 on 2015-04-08.

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Automotive Leo Krom Automotive Leo Krom

Chad's Rocket Bunny FRS

     Here are a few shots from an evening with Chad Lampano, his Corgi named Lumpy, and his freshly painted Rocket Bunny FRS. A winning combination! This church is right in the historic area of Glendale off of the main strip. Initially we had gone out to get some footage of his car as it was just re-painted. I also wanted to try to jump a little further into merging photos and painting out reflections which I believe was successful. In the end, it was a relaxing time catching up with some friends and doing what I love most: taking photos.  

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