Easter Drift at Wildhorse Pass


     I was looking forward to this all week. I don't get out to the track as often as I would like, but I had heard that GoFast Entertainment was going to be hosting a strictly drift night at Wildhorse Pass Motorsports Park. Since I've been working on a new reel, I thought that I should get out there to try and capture a little bit of footage.

The only downside was that I didn't have media credentials this time. That meant that I would be on the opposite side of the fence from where all of the action was happening. However, I don't think I've ever been as close to the action as I was that night. The spectator locations were right behind the barriers.

I didn't stay an incredibly long time. I was only filming until the pastel sunset subsided, but it was still a great night.

Here's a little bonus video clip that I shot that night!


Uploaded by Pyrotechnician12 on 2015-04-08.


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