Print of the Week, Automotive Leo Krom Print of the Week, Automotive Leo Krom

Print of the Week: Week 13

We've been taking photos for quite a while now, and unfortunately most of those photos end up sitting on a couple of different hard drives never to see the light of day. 

Each week we're going to dive into the Krom Photography archives to try to find some cool photographs to print for you all. If you don't like what you see one week then it may be worth coming back the next because the print of the week will cover many different genres.

This week we're throwing it back to another automotive photo. Unfortunately I only got to go out with this beauty once before it got sold, but I managed to grab some pretty cool photos and footage of it beforehand. 

Click the "Print of the Week" link below to take you to the page.

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Print of the Week, Automotive Leo Krom Print of the Week, Automotive Leo Krom

Print of the Week: Week 4

I've been taking photos for quite a while now, and unfortunately most of those photos end up sitting on a couple of different hard drives never to see the light of day. 

Each week we're going to dive into the Krom Photography archives to try to find some cool photographs to print for you all. If you don't like what you see one week then it may be worth coming back the next because the print of the week will cover many different genres.

This will be the first of a handful of automotive photos! It's from a short little video shoot that we got to do on Christmas. I'm not sure if the footage will see the light of day anytime soon, but we can at least offer this.

Click the "Print of the Week" link below to take you to the page.

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Automotive Leo Krom Automotive Leo Krom

The Great Depression (Update)

I've been waiting to write about this one again for a while. This is James Schwartz's chopped up Model A in a more final form. If you've been reading these for a while then you'll have seen some photos from our first blog post when he began chopping it.

It's an interesting time of the year here in Arizona where we get those lovely monsoon storms, and we had already postponed this video shoot once the week before due to one rolling in. Of course on this day the weather was looking beautiful...right until I got off of work.

We were all way too excited to get this finished up. So we pushed on anyway. However, the fun didn't stop there.

This location may look familiar because we've been here before with Jayjay's Subaru. We've always liked this spot because of the trees, but more importantly in this case it's right near home. As this build is still in progress, it needs a couple of things hooked up, and it has not been registered yet. This kind of limited us on where we could go, and that's why we ended up here.

I wish that I could say that alleviated all of our issues, but that wasn't the case. On this short journey of back roads we managed to drive right by a Peoria Police Department officer. Needless to say he wasn't too thrilled about us being out on the roads with an unregistered vehicle, but he let us go. Not before declaring his love for the build and his urge to take pictures with it, of course. 

Off we went again.

After trying to grab some decent rolling shots for the video, we made it. We chose a spot, started turning around, and then James' clutch line broke. We could not catch a break.

James went into full on MacGyver mode. With the donation of some shoelaces from Wyatt he got to work but to no avail. We pushed it around into the spot that we wanted, and I got to filming.

James' dad heroically came to save us and give James a tow back to their house.

It was certainly an eventful shoot. We made it work though, and I managed to grab some shots that I'm particularly proud of.

I'm eager to circle back around to this again once it gets all finished up and registered. Then the real fun can begin.

RIP Wyatt's shoelaces.

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Portrait, Automotive, Advice Leo Krom Portrait, Automotive, Advice Leo Krom

A Little Post on Post Production

We don't usually go too much into what happens behind-the-scenes here, but I'd like to start changing that a little!

When you're on a shoot with us and we're showing you the back of the camera to give you an idea of what the images are going to look like you'll have a tendency to hear me add a little disclaimer. I will point out that this is just how it looks out of the camera. My goal for this post is to point out why I mention that.

Once we've had our fun on the shoot everything comes home, gets backed up, then it gets organized. That's when the magic of editing begins.

All that you need to do is grab the center button and drag it back and forth to see the before and after for each photo. Then you can see the difference editing can make, and why that little disclaimer means more than you think.  

This first one is an automotive photo from our shoot with Jayjay and his WRX. The light is pretty standard for a sunset here which really helped to make this one pop. I always make my global adjustments first in order to bring back some of that contrast and bright quality. After that I'll work on my local adjustments. This is where dodge and burn comes in, and it's where I try to bring as much focus to my subject as possible. After that I use curves in order to tone my photo. That's where a majority of the color comes in.

This next photo is from a shoot that we had with my friend Shane. This is a more typical portrait retouch. Again, we're assisted with some beautiful light which is something we try and take advantage of whenever possible, but this time it was coming from a strobe with a soft box on it. The technique is the same as previously: global adjustments, local adjustments, and then toning. Here we had to bring back a lot of the shadows in order to help Shane stand out.

Not all photographs require the same amount of work done to them. However, they do all get some kind of treatment. I'm looking to make the best possible image that I can, and this is what allows me to do it.

If you want to check out either of the full posts with these pictures in them you can find Jayjay and his car here, or Shane and his Beetle here!

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