Portrait, Automotive, Advice Leo Krom Portrait, Automotive, Advice Leo Krom

A Little Post on Post Production

We don't usually go too much into what happens behind-the-scenes here, but I'd like to start changing that a little!

When you're on a shoot with us and we're showing you the back of the camera to give you an idea of what the images are going to look like you'll have a tendency to hear me add a little disclaimer. I will point out that this is just how it looks out of the camera. My goal for this post is to point out why I mention that.

Once we've had our fun on the shoot everything comes home, gets backed up, then it gets organized. That's when the magic of editing begins.

All that you need to do is grab the center button and drag it back and forth to see the before and after for each photo. Then you can see the difference editing can make, and why that little disclaimer means more than you think.  

This first one is an automotive photo from our shoot with Jayjay and his WRX. The light is pretty standard for a sunset here which really helped to make this one pop. I always make my global adjustments first in order to bring back some of that contrast and bright quality. After that I'll work on my local adjustments. This is where dodge and burn comes in, and it's where I try to bring as much focus to my subject as possible. After that I use curves in order to tone my photo. That's where a majority of the color comes in.

This next photo is from a shoot that we had with my friend Shane. This is a more typical portrait retouch. Again, we're assisted with some beautiful light which is something we try and take advantage of whenever possible, but this time it was coming from a strobe with a soft box on it. The technique is the same as previously: global adjustments, local adjustments, and then toning. Here we had to bring back a lot of the shadows in order to help Shane stand out.

Not all photographs require the same amount of work done to them. However, they do all get some kind of treatment. I'm looking to make the best possible image that I can, and this is what allows me to do it.

If you want to check out either of the full posts with these pictures in them you can find Jayjay and his car here, or Shane and his Beetle here!

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Advice Leo Krom Advice Leo Krom

The Many Moods of Cameras

This post is going to be a little bit different than some of the previous ones. This time I want to take a quick look at gear. If you’re in the market for a camera it can be overwhelming. While I can’t tell you what camera you should or shouldn't buy, I thought that it might be kind of fun to give a little insight into how I choose what camera I'm going to use based on how I'm feeling or what I'm photographing.

Canon 5d Mark III

Let’s start with the big gun. Most of my professional work is done with a Canon 5d Mark III. This camera is a tank. That’s one thing that I love about it. It has been everywhere with me over the last few years, and it is no worse for wear. The low-light capabilities are great which means I never struggle when the availability of light is less than optimal. I remember the first night with the camera I went to shoot a concert that a buddy of mine was drumming in. Wearily, I bumped the ISO to 12,800 and started snapping away. A quick look at the LCD screen solidified that I had made the right choice. The autofocus is superb. I’ve even used it to track downhill skateboarders during a race in Colorado. What I'm getting at is that this camera is flawless to me. I've never run into a single issue with it since I've been using it. That's why when I’m in the mood for something that will not let me down, and I need to put in a serious amount of work this is my go-to camera.

Fujifilm X-E2

Next up is my second most used camera. As much as I love my 5d, that reliability comes at a cost. That cost is sore shoulders and a sore back after using it for an entire day. I run around a lot in my free-time, and I always try to carry a camera with me. Since I wanted something a little lighter I started looking into mirrorless cameras. That’s when I came across my next baby, the Fujifilm X-E2. Not only do I find this camera aesthetically pleasing, but I hardly feel it when I have it slung over my shoulder. Ahhhh, what a relief it is. The funny thing is that I don’t feel like I sacrificed very much at all. The low-light capabilities can’t be pushed as far, but they’re still much better than those of the t2i I started with. I haven’t run into a situation yet where I have been let down by this camera. For walks with my fiancé, family dinners, or hanging out with my buddies, this camera is perfect. I’m in the process of throwing together a post all about this camera because I use it so often. When I’m in a relaxed mood and I care more about the memories being made instead of how technically perfect I can make each photo, this is the camera that I use. 

Rolleiflex 2.8e

Last but not least is something a little bit different. This well-engineered piece of photographic machinery is my Rolleiflex. I’m not even going to bother comparing any aspect of this camera to the two others. It’s special in its very own way.  There’s something fun about shooting film, and there’s something even more fun about shooting film on a twin lens reflex camera from the early 1960s. Looking down through the top of the camera into the waist level viewfinder to adjust the frame evokes a certain type of awe from me every time that I do it. When I’m feeling burnt out and like I need a change of pace this is my go-to camera. 

I'm always focused on taking the best possible photograph, but how I go about that is entirely different on each of these cameras. Sometimes it's good to slow down, relax and focus on the task at hand until you get a result while other times you've just got to go at it non-stop until you get to that result. Each of these cameras allows me to do this in varying degrees until I achieve an outcome that I'm happy with. This is important to me because it mixes everything up and allows me to continue to create the best work that I can.

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Advice Guest User Advice Guest User

Bringing Dogs to Your Photo Shoot

People create special bonds when it comes to their pets. This is something we understand very well being animal lovers and pet owners ourselves. However when we meet up with our couples or individuals to talk about the coming photo session they tend to be a little shy about the fact that they would really love their dogs to be part of it. Maybe they feel as though it causes trouble, or adds a level of difficulty we wouldn't want to deal with as photographers. If you happen to be someone that feels this way, don't be. On the contrary we believe your dog can be a wonderful addition to the photo shoot. They will bring an extra element to your photos that will make them that much more meaningful. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with photos that you absolutely love and will make you smile every time you walk by them in the hallway. Having said that, there are 5 important things to keep in mind for bringing your pooch to the shoot. 

1. Have Patience

This is number one for a reason. Sometimes it's really easy to get frustrated when your dog isn't behaving the way you want them to. It's just like the child in the store that's screaming and the parent is so embarrassed that they can't control them. The parent gets irritated and is no longer having a good time. This is exactly what we want to avoid. We never want you to be at a point where you aren't enjoying yourself anymore, or you're regretting the fact that you brought your dog. You have to go in with realistic expectations. Dogs aren't always so different than us. They get excited when they get to go out, meet new people,  or do new things just like we do. Keeping that in mind, you have to know that your dog probably won't turn into a movie star for the camera. There's a good chance they'll be kind of antsy. They may not want to sit or look at the camera all the time. That's okay because there are a few things we can do to help that a little. In the meantime try to smile and instead of getting frustrated think about how cute it is that they're so excited. 

2. Calm Them Down Beforehand

One thing that can really help combat the antsiness in your dog is wearing them out a little before you come to the shoot. Take them for a walk or let them run around the park for a bit. You don't want them to be sleepy, but getting some of their energy out can really help. Your dog may be older and calm as it is, but even then I would say take them on at least a little walk. Because even if they're calm for the most part, they'll probably still get excited when you bring them out.

3. Treat and Toys

Treats or toys are a great way to get your dog to pay attention and look at the camera. They will be more willing to cooperate with you when they have incentives. In our case we have some dog treats that we will bring to the photo shoot as back up. However not all photographers will, and if your dog has a favorite treat or chew toy it is better that you provide that. It's just a matter of working with them and getting them to stay still and hopefully look a little happier when they know treats are coming their way. When it came to working with a 6 month old golden retriever puppy with endless amounts of energy, treats made a HUGE difference. Without them, getting her to sit still was an impossible feat. The second we pulled out a bag of her favorite treats we got a handful of cute pictures in no time. Never underestimate the power of an incentive.

4. Think About Your Dog's Personality 

This ties into a lot of things when talking about bringing your dog to a photo session. You know your dog much better than we do, so you have to think about the way they will react in certain situations. If they are really hyper then calming them down beforehand will be more important than you think. Also, think about whether your dog is a little ADD or not. If they will be distracted by everything or they want to bark at people walking by then that's something your photographer needs to know. It's definitely possible to find locations where there won't be so many distractions for your dog if this is the case. We can work with you and figure it out. All is not lost! Another thing is bringing props. Props can be cute, but some dogs will be far too distracted by something on them that isn't normally there. They may just want to chew on it the whole time, or they may become agitated with something like a sign around their neck.

5. Have Fun With It

Always remember this step. You will have to let go of the perfect posed photo with your dog because that doesn't really happen most of the time. It can, but it's better if you just have fun. The photo above is a great example of that. It wasn't posed at all, and it's one of our favorites. The owners are just interacting and having a good time with their dogs. So stay patient, smile, and remember to have fun with it!

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