Print of the Week Leo Krom Print of the Week Leo Krom

Print of the Week: Vintage Bug on a Summer Day

We've been taking photos for quite a while now, and unfortunately most of those photos end up sitting on a couple of different hard drives never to see the light of day. 

Each week we're going to dive into the Krom Photography archives to try to find some cool photographs to print for you all. If you don't like what you see one week then it may be worth coming back the next because the print of the week will cover many different genres.

We love Volkswagen's over here. So we jumped on the chance to shoot one last year. We really enjoy how this shot makes us feel when we look at it. 

Click the "Print of the Week" link below to take you to the page.

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Automotive, Portrait Leo Krom Automotive, Portrait Leo Krom

Shane and the Bug

Shane pops up a lot on here because he's one of my best friends. Very recently he got rid of his slammed Miata in exchange for this little Volkswagen Beetle. Since I'm all about capturing memories, I thought that it would be fun to go capture some photos of him with it before it starts to undergo its changes and repairs. I love this location too! It set off the purple car quite nicely and helped to make these photos really pop.

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