Engagement Leo Krom Engagement Leo Krom

Our Engagement!


What I thought was going to be a fun day hiking up north turned into much more with the most wonderful surprise. We drove up to Oak Creek Canyon north of Sedona for a hike on West Fork Trail. This is the trail that we had previously done Rachel and Levi's engagement shoot at, and we thought it was really beautiful.

We wanted to hike all the way in, so that was the plan for the day. We had a wonderful time taking photos of our surroundings and enjoying each other's company. I brought up eating lunch, because it was getting to that time in the day.

Leo being the thoughtful man that he is had prepared a whole picnic! He brought a blanket, and had made sandwiches and salad with some brownies for dessert. After cleaning that up Leo started to set up the camera, which I thought was a little weird, but we had talked about trying to take photos of ourselves. Then he pulled out our journal, which is cuter in context so I will have to go off on a tangent for a second. 

He originally gave me the journal for our one year anniversary. It has photos and text of big things we've done together, like when we went to Comic-Con for the first time, or a close family friend's wedding. Anyway he added a few pages that included things like our trip to Disneyland.

On the last page added was a photo of the ring. When I looked up Leo was on one knee with box in hand. I was too excited, so I didn't allow many words to come out of his mouth before I popped up and kissed him. He did get a chance to ask me to marry him, and of course I said yes! There will be a Krom wedding coming soon! Scroll to the bottom for a short video!

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